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Do you fancy being part of a great Team?

Do you fancy being part of a great Team?

Kathryn Townsley26 May - 13:37
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We are looking for more people to help us out

If you have some spare hours in a week, are an ardent Hull City fan and fancy getting involved in organising events, helping run the website, our membership database, and various competitions that we run, then this could be right up your street.

We are a very small band of fans aged mid 20s to those considerably more life experienced(!) who comprise the Board of the Hull City Official Supporters Club.

We really need some help.

The majority of us work full time, and we are limited as a result to what we can do - we don't want to promise and not deliver.

We also need some new ideas..... what can we do differently, how can we be a better organisation and appeal to more fans.

We have a brilliant relationship with the football club - so anything (within reason!) is possible. We just need more of us to help deliver.

If you fancy getting involved, would like a chat about how you might be able to help - then please get in touch. Message us on our social media pages or email our Chair Kathryn with your contact details and she'll give you a bell / drop you a note back.

It's no problem to meet for a cuppa either.

Further reading